**Please Read**
Here is some general information, please read before you book an event with us. Each venue is visited beforehand and a thorough risk assessment is carried out to make sure we can keep everyone as safe as possible. Our paranormal investigations mainly take place in old, sometimes damaged properties and when teamed with darkness there are many trip hazards. Some locations have low ceilings and doorways with broken parts, we will of course brief every participant beforehand with regards to safety but as an extra precaution please tread carefully, wear comfortable shoes and take things slow as we walk around, especially when we journey through small, low and narrow parts of buildings.
Should you have an accident or start to feel unwell you must inform your group leader as soon as possible and we will get you back to base and get you the help needed.
The use of your phones to record and take photos is permitted however we recommend you refrain from using your phones during guided experiments as we know that spirits require peoples focused energy in order to communicate and therefore the more present, concentrated and open you are the better the chance of activity.
Remember to come with an open mind, above all else we want you to enjoy your time with Brogans Paranormal Seekers. This is your experience so if at any point you don’t feel comfortable with an experiment or you choose to not go on a lone investigation that is absolutely your choice. One last thing, it goes without saying but you must be respectful of the venue, our team and everyone else participating at all times or we will have to ask you to leave. We have a zero tolerance policy with regard to disrespect, bullying or any negative energy.
We look forward to meeting you.
“Why be normal when you can be paranormal?"